Wednesday 29 November 2017

Playing with ideas: The stuff we don't see

Today, the children were impressive story-tellers and inventors of lands faraway.

Our prompt was some works by Salvador Dali. Some of us talked about Surrealism and what we thought the paintings were about. The conversation quickly turned to dreams and 'lands', luring the 'non-listeners' (they were listening) over. Many stories were told before we began work, making surrealist sculptural pieces.

The children invented many strange and wonderful 'lands'- 'Chocolate Land,' 'Zig-zag Land,' 'The Land Where No One Speaks,' 'Mad Cat Land' and lands with treacherous traps and hidden treasures.

One child made the 'Land of Glory and Love'- two islands built in the middle of a lake, FAR, FAR away from the mainland where the wicked ruler lives.

Another made a land of obstacles where clay tools attacked, leaving their marks.

A group of children invented 'funny' characters with pencil- drawn bodies and stuck-on beards, rainbow hair styles and silver jewellery.

Another child didn't feel like using clay and produced a pile of beautifully composed chalk patterns on paper.

I heard lively conversations discussing which Land was the best- all the pros and cons- a lighthearted argument, or rather, an exchange of ideas.

I saw children solve problems- 'how can I carry this?' 'It's falling apart, it's too heavy.' 'How can I build a bridge?'

So what is 'Art'? It's storytelling, imagining, problem solving, teamwork, co-operation, and construction. It's something to get exited about, a time to get your hands dirty, engage your brain and really think for yourself. It's a safe place to PLAY with ideas, and COMMUNICATE those ideas through physical materials. Some ideas don't make the final 'piece' that goes home, but it doesn't matter, it's all part of the PROCESS. There is so much more that is valuable in art than just 'The Art'- it's the stuff we don't see.

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