Wednesday 9 November 2016

A long- expected update

A long- expected update: 

I'm back, or at least I think I'm back. I have spent two and a half years procrastinating and I can't guarantee I won't go and procrastinate some more but for the moment I am on a creative roll.

Last time I wrote, I had just put up two paintings in the lovely Napoli. I was supposed to go and put up some sort of information sign with my details on, but I never got round to it and for two years The Napoli had some nice Mystery Artwork on their walls. Then one day, I walked past and they were GONE! Obviously they hadn't been sold, as no one would have known they were for sale, so I called by and collected them. Although I thought they looked quite nice in there, I was relieved to have my paintings back- at last now I could cross that 'labelling' task off my to-do list and my mum was rather attached to 'Shutlingsloe' anyway (she used to dine there regularly to admire it).

On the other hand, when questioned about how I was doing with my 'art', I could no longer enthusiastically answer with 'I have work up in The Napoli'. That's when I realised I had been putting off taking labels in for over two years and that I hadn't so much looked at a sketchbook in all of that time because taking the labels in was at the top of my 'Art To Do List' and I couldn't do any new painting or networking until that was done. I also had another baby, which probably hasn't helped. He's so beautiful though. Who needs paintings?

Anyway, now I'm back in the creative spirit, wouldn't it be wonderful if I could say I'm going to do copious amounts of work and fill up some galleries and plan some exhibitions? Oh and do some craft stalls and perhaps take part in the Wirksworth Festival. I could start up my own Art Workshops and open a little shop. Or a big shop. Maybe my shop could also be a tea room and I could bake cakes and make little sandwiches for people to nibble on whilst they leisurely browse the gallery. I could even do baking classes for children- they could decorate gingerbread men whilst their parents sip tea and take in the creative energy from the art on the walls. Hang on, I'm procrastinating again.